The Art of Letting Go: Steps to creating a personal rites of passage and opening to freedom by Om Collection Ombassador and Spirit Warrior

SWAHA~To give it to the fire. To bring in your boundless potential. To shed, dissolve, dissipate. To begin anew.
I am sweating my ass off ‘round a fire on a beach with a small group of people I don’t
know. I have a drum between my legs, the rhythm comes through me, the rhythmic cadence opens my heart and I find my center. I feel inside and play until my hands hurt. I pray, I chant, I burn it; I am letting go-throwing it into the fire. I feel the release and then I dance with my inner goddess, I give thanks. I have experienced my own little rights of passage. My spirit soars.

I highly recommend it….
You don’t need to be on a beach, heck, you don’t even need a fire, all you need is to be willing.
What is it you DESIRE to LET GO of to FEEL FULLY ALIVE? Is it that scathing wound from a past relationship, feelings of rejection or not feeling good enough, a reaction at a love one you wish you could take back, the guilt from spending to much time surfing the net aimlessly?! We all have stuff we need to peel away to let our souls fully SHINE. It is vital to let go of what doesn’t serve so we can be fully aware and alive to the magic that is all around us.

An invitation to let go….
1. Name it. Loud and clear. No pussy footing, get real with it. Stare it in the face-WIDE eyed.
2. Get into your body. Whatever you need to do to do that. Deep breaths, dance, move your body in a way that lets you in, sink your feet into cool grass, TAP IN to your body and into your essence. Feel into the pain and to what lies underneath. Go into the layers.
3. Release. Whether that is actually writing it down and burning it, saying it into a rock and tossing it into the ocean or river, praying for mother earth to take it and dissipate it, screaming into a pillow…. Whatever it is, RID YOURSELF.
4. Replace the anger, fear, resentment, and guilt, with healing, newness, expansion, love, compassion, and EMPOWERMENT. Feel this refueling your soul.
Do this practice weekly, monthly, daily, whenever you are needing to let go and recharge with love and joy. Recommit to living a radiant passionate life.
I invite you.
I commend you in your courage. You are beautiful.
Please feel free to share your ways of creating your personal rites of passage. I would love to hear your processes.
In love and light~Jill