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Jumping into Story
Often times our perception of how we think things are 'going down' may not be what's really True, with a capital T. Have you ever created a whole scenario in your mind of what you think someone has done, to later discover that your interpretation was completely wrong?
Take a moment to watch your OT Coaching Tune-Up by clicking the picture below. Hear how a client started to go into a story about a situation that only left her feeling worse and more separated from herself and her friend. Through coaching, she learned that it was not only a lot of wasted energy, but how she can rise above it by simply shifting her perspective.
Home Play:
*First step, as always...Become aware: "Oh, I totally want to jump in and react. Am I creating an entire scenario in my head, without even really knowing the whole picture?"
*In that awareness, practice being gentle and forgiving toward yourself for feeling those feelings. You are human, after all, and have most likely experienced some pain and upset in your life. Saying something to yourself like, "It makes sense you are reacting right now, because this feels like a past situation. It's ok to feel upset, and it's ok to feel what you are feeling."
*Pause, go back to what you are feeling. Begin to inquire, what are these feelings really about? "How might what I am feeling be my own stuff, and am I now blaming this person for putting it on me?
*Look beyond the story: Ask yourself, "How might I look beyond the story of what I am creating in my mind and see this person as someone who has also experienced pain in their life?"
Simple? Yes. Easy? Not necessarily. The more we practice, we begin to strengthen our ability to respond instead of react, and not give our power to our old limiting beliefs. This leaves us feeling not only more connected and compassionate towards self, it also leaves room for others to be human and have compassion for their wounds.
Feel stuck in shifting the story? You are not alone! Shoot us an email to find out the myriad of ways you can get support with OT Coaching. We would love to support you.
Until next time....expect GREAT things!
Live from your Spirit, love your life