OM Blog + Press
RAPTURE The Goddess and Her Consort
New Moon, Beltane 2014
On this deep dark moon, there are whispers of excitement all around. The flowers dance in anticipation. The green shoots rise up, alert and expectant. The water bubbles and the faeries delight in the joy of what is to come.
It is Beltane. It is the celebration of Life.
The Goddess opens to Her Consort. The fertile Earth jubilantly receives the warmth of the Sun. The Divine Feminine joins together with the Divine Masculine in the Spirit of Creation, and consciousness is born.
It is this union that creates the magic of new life.
It is this alchemical union that ensures the growth and abundance necessary to sustain life and makes the world go round.
And it is what we are all seeking, deep down: Alchemical Relationship. We want to experience the magic of creation unfolding with each blessed moment. We want to embody the Goddess and the God, together.

Easier said than done? Perhaps. And so we look to Nature. We coax the Sun to shine boldly down onto the Earth withour songs, our laughter and our prayers. We lure Him with the generous expressions of our love. We welcome Him for all that He is, and we show up in our fullness to receive Him.
We can dear sisters. We will. We are.
It is time.
And so it is.
Wishing you a delicious Beltane full of sensual delight ~
Dayna Seraye
The Art of Letting Go: Steps to creating a personal rites of passage and opening to freedom by Om Collection Ombassador and Spirit Warrior

In honor of the heart - Ombassador Jill Emich shares her personal exploration
Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.” ― Brené Brown
In honor of the heart.
This is an invitation for you to explore. Make this a journaling or meditation exercise to help open your heart and make you shine.