Yummy Seasonal Fall Pancake Recipe

Life Coach and Yoga Teacher, Valerie D’Ambrosio shares her most favorite breakfast choice with Om Collection.
October 21, 2014

Welcome to the dark half of the year!

New Moon Greetings ~

Welcome to the dark half of the year!

We have just passed through the portal of the Autumn Equinox, the day of absolute balance between day and night, light and dark. And now, here in the Northern Hemisphere, the darkness grows with each passing day.

Many of us shudder at the thought of the dark, cold winter that approaches, and we long for tropical getaways.

Yup. I am certainly guilty as charged! So I have to ask:

What is it about the darkness that we resist so much?

As the leaves change color and fall to the ground, the life-force of the natural world drops down and deep inside the Earth. It is a time of rest, of quiet, of stillness.

For a moment, get very still and quiet. Close your eyes and let your awareness drop down and into the depths of the Earth beneath you. Feel into the vast mystery of the deep, dark, moist, dense, earthy mass. Continue to drop your awareness deeper in and down as you notice what arises for you.

For some of us, still and quiet is quite challenging. When there are no distractions, we are left to face ourselves.

Whoa, scary! Our own personal demons terrify us more than anything. And, befriending those demons, the darkness inside of ourselves, is absolutely essential on a spiritual path of service.

Michelle Sky writes, "We must be confidant that we can handle the darkness, as well as the light."

And with the balance of the Equinox still so fresh, now is a wonderful time to begin a practice of embracing and befriending the darkness, both outside in Nature, and within ourselves. As the nights gradually grow longer, we can take little baby steps each day to help us welcome the dark half of the year.

Some of my favorite ways to befriend the dark include:
  • long, hot, yummy baths (with lots of essential oils)
  • a crackling fire and hot cocoa
  • a pretty pen and time with my journal to get all of those weird thoughts out of my head
  • candles, incense and plump cushions
  • cooking nourishing and delicious food
  • playing and singing devotional music
  • gear up - get what you need to stay warm and head outside to play (especially on Full Moon nights)

As one of my Goddess songs says, "It is required to study in the Temple of the Night."

So why not invite it in like you would a dear friend. Listen to it, hold it in your arms, love it, and see what it has to teach you.

Dayna Seraye
September 25, 2014

A Fearless Heart - Trusting What You Came Here To Do

Words from our founder, Katie:

"The recent full moon had a strong and inspiring pulse. It shined light on the fact that many of us in the modern world are disconnected from nature's rhythms but that our bodies, through its natural current remind us that we are, at the most basic, animals subject to the heart beat of our environment.

September 25, 2014

Fall Fashion: Leggings and Layering

The OM Collection believes in four season fashion.  No need to pack away your favorite summer pieces when the cold snap hits.  Instead, simply add a pair of boots and add a few layers for a chic winter style.

Leggings are great choice all year long and a perfect style if you need to transition from life to a yoga class with no time to change.  If you prefer hot yoga we recommend our H2OM legging line.  

September 19, 2014

Grief – You Are Not Alone

By Jill Emich, Spirit Warrior and Owner of Shine Restaurant and Gathering Place www.shineboulder.com

Grief is a word that invokes emptiness inside. It conjures loneliness and feeing forsaken, forlorn, lost – a sadness so deep that it feels palpable and overwhelming.

Most of us have felt this at some point or another in their lives either from personal experiences or from witnessing another in emotional pain. The first time I experienced grief was when I realized that my dear brother Dennis was born a twin and my mother had lost one at birth. I hadn’t known this until my early teen years when my mom shared her story. Being a triplet myself (yes my mom was just very, very fertile), I felt such a sense of grief for my brother and my mother’s loss.

The fact that my brother shared a womb with another spirit and another body and then surfaced into this world alone was heartbreaking. What affect did it have on his little soul then and what affect does it have now? I will never truly know because my brother is mentally and physically challenged. The only way he communicates is through his powerful huge smile, through his facial expressions, his tears, and those eyes…..

So I grieved for him and with him. I felt all those overwhelming feelings and then I decided to shift it.

I started to recognize the gifts. First and foremost my brother Dennis is still here with us and he has taught me and my family about compassion, patience, acceptance and unconditional love. His story and his existence has made me a better person and I want to share that love and compassion with others. I also know Dennis has a powerful twin angel on his shoulder, protecting him and whispering sweetness into his ear. And, my brother is the glue of our family. He has kept the love strong between all of us and has kept us united. The very rare disease he has gives a life sentence of approximately 25 years. My brother is 44 and his doctors attribute his liveliness to his amazing care, love and his inner strength. His loss has made him strong, it has – this I know.

The other way I am able to transform this feeling of grief is by reaching out to others, sharing the story and hearing other peoples story of grief and how we can transform it through community and family. This is why I know the Grief Support Network is such a powerful and important organization.  It is something I am so proud to help support.  We need one another to heal, to grow, to share, to see a new perspective.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and to learn more about Grief Support Network.  We hope to see you at Shine on September 20th for GSN’s Gratitude Celebration & Fundraiser!  

To get your tickets for the VIP farm-to-table dinner and/or the live auction and entertainment CLICK HERE.

September 17, 2014

We Are the Rainbow Tribe

Full Moon Greetings ~

When I was 13 years old I read a Native American prophecy that deeply imprinted my being and shaped who I was and how I wanted to live my life.

In the book The Quest, by Tom Brown Jr., four signs were given by a Native American elder that would signify the destruction of the Earth if mankind did not change its ways and restore harmony for the Earth and all beings.

The coming of the third sign, the "night of the bleeding stars," meant that we had passed the tipping point and life on Earth as we have lived it would come to an end. At that point the "children of the Earth" must run away to the wild places and live in harmony with the Earth while everything else was destroyed.

My mantra became "when the sky turns red, we shall run."

And I watched for the signs. When I was twenty I had a vision of red clouds billowing towards me. I heard horrific wails and saw billions of suffering souls at the bottom of the cloud formation. I was petrified. Rising higher up in the clouds the images and energy shifted and morphed into layers upon layers of diverse energetic forms. At the top I saw beautiful, soft hues and multitudes of angelic and celestial beings.

My fear melted away as I realized that I was seeing the vast spectrum of human emotions and experience, and that this many layered reality was all one. The dark and the light...it was all God/Goddess. My heart opened. There is no separation, creation is brilliant, and it all is okay.

The vision left me with many spiritual insights, and a loud and clear call to service. Although the sky had turned red and our planetary condition was not getting any better, I experienced a fierce sense of hope. We are all in this together and the intensity of our plight is an integral part of our evolution. Each and every one must do our part to help.

Another Native American prophecy is calling now - the Prophecy of the Rainbow Tribe.

"When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as the warriors of the rainbow."

And we are coming together - the rainbow tribe. There is so much to heal to restore harmony on our planet. There is so much to forgive. There are so many wrongs to right. And our prayers and actions are powerful.

This weekend we journey to South Dakota to join in prayer to right wrongs committed many generations ago to this land's native tribes. We will participate in a Ceremony of Apology and Forgiveness, and celebrate the uniting of hearts and hands for the restoration of our Earth.

We invite you to join with us in this prayer. Even if you cannot be at The Unity Concert in person, please take some time to light a candle and connect with the Rainbow Tribe in the spirit of restoration and healing. I

f you feel called, create your own ceremony of apology and forgiveness. The Hawaiian healing process called ho'oponopono is a wonderful resource for clearing deep wounds. Ho'oponopono means to make right. It is traditionally used to make things right with the ancestors, or with the people in your life.

Practice: Forgiveness Ceremony
Feel the places in your body that hurt when you reflect on a specific situation or dynamic. Stay with the feelings as you say the following four statements with enthusiasm:

  • I love you.
  • I'm sorry.
  • Please forgive me.
  • Thank you.

Continue until the distressful feelings are alleviated and you feel at peace.

Blessings on the path,

Dayna Seraye

September 09, 2014

What is your sacred service?

In the spirit of this time of Virgo, I want to plant a seed in your heart. Sacred Service

As women, many of us have struggled in relationship to giving and receiving. We may give too much in ways that are unhealthy. We may feel unworthy to receive what we truly desire. We may feel so wounded in this area that we have shut down our capacity to give and/or receive with love. We protect ourselves within a confined box of pale and tasteless security.

I know that I have been there.

But I also know that giving from the heart is the key to our happiness and well-being. Just as a luscious breath fills us and then empties us, giving in a no-holds-bar way allows us to receive exponentially.

We are here on this planet at this time to learn how to give ever more fully in a way that is aligned with our Soul's truth. This is the key to our sacred service.

When we are in sacred service we receive energy from our giving. We may be tired after a long day of service, but deep inside we feel nourished and contented. We know we are on the right path. When we give to people and experiences that are not in alignment with our Soul's truth we feel depleted and drained of life-force. We feel like we've given too much. We feel out of balance. 

Our sacred service is uniquely ours to discover. It is the gift we are meant to give, in each moment, that connects us to who we really are. It aligns us with our heart and the Heart of all Things. It brings us into sacred relationship.

What is your sacred service? How can you be of sacred service today, and everyday?

The 13 Moons community is supporting a very special eventSeptember 13-14. Perhaps you will hear the call to be of sacred service to honor Mother Earth and Her people... Check out theunityconcert.com to find out more. We need donations, volunteers, and united hearts and minds to realize this potent prayer. Let us know if you can join us in journeying to the Black Hills for The Unity Concert!


All love on the path of sacred service,

Dayna Seraye

September 04, 2014

The #1 Most Common Mistake Teachers Make : No Master Mentor

 This is the last of a three part series from our fabulous OMbassador, Shakti Sunfire, who teaches yoga and hooping around the world. Many of our followers are teachers of dance, yoga and other movement arts. We hope you enjoy this 3rd part!

In the great stories of humankind - the myths and the epics and the wise hand-me-downs of times past, there comes a moment in the journey of the hero, or heroine where they loose their way. Wrapped up in the too-smallness of their old skin in the face of their own urgent becoming, they loose sight of all the innate powers that lie within. They are knocked off the path, abducted by trolls, or dragons...they face the necessary but destabilizing fear of refinement that ultimately polishes them for the great adventure that is to come. 

Somehow, somewhere along the way, we as a culture have lost a crucial piece of that story in the face of old and worn-out paradigms - egoic displays of rugged individualism. The ferocity of“I’ll do it myself” - or more commonly - “I SHOULD be able to do it myself” that is ultimately the undoing of the heros/heroines quest. The missing piece that you’ll always find in any good journey, is that the hero or the heroine NEVER DO IT ALONE.

The single most common mistake teachers make is to think themselves an island, self-sufficient unto themselves and wholly capable to slay the demon, and trick the dragon, and ascend the mountain of becoming ALONE.

I know this because I tried it, and I’m speaking from the depths of my being when I say I would not be here in the role that I am blessed to occupy - as teacher and leader, without standing on the backs of many teachers before me. I cannot stress enough just how crucial it is to align yourself with a master mentor and I’ll tell you why.

Often people ask me; “how the hell did you get to a place where you can teach full-time?”  

“One part incredible luck, and one-part angelic guidance,” I’d say with a wink. 

But any real time spent in reverie has me confirming for myself over and over again that really and truly, without my flesh-and-blood mentors, I would not be where I am. Which is not to say that each individual can’t become on their own. Quite the contrary. To be in the refiner’s fire of our own self-evolution is completely a personal practice. The guru does NOT indeed live outside oneself. But to loop back into the hero’s journey, what we see in nearly every tale is that the hero himself has NO idea of the kinds of powers he possesses. No idea that, like the Monkey God Hanuman, he can leap across an ocean to redeem the treasure of his desire. 

Not until some benevolent being clues him in. “Remember? You’re a GOD??”

And it’s more than that. It’s interesting to me really, how many of us are fringe creatives, blazing our own trail, creating beauty and art and connection in the world, and yet, in my view, due to the particularly self-inflated nature of our western culture, we fail to see, or have forgotten that any good teaching...and good art, is accumulative and responsive. That ANY creative process is a “next-octave” of what has come before. We are tribal beings at heart, and whet
her or not we really take it in, we are CO-CREATIVE beings as well. But we try to hide this. We tuck what inspires us away, deep inside, where no one will ever see its source because some part of us believes ourselves lesser than, a fraud, a phony, unoriginal - GASP! The worst insult as an artist.In that particular tale Hanuman is reminded of his innate powers through the reflection of his loved ones and his friends at a crucial time of need, and not a moment before. How many times have you hit a wall, perhaps banging on the same door that will not open, and have been saved from your ruthless pounding by someone who cares about you? Who can see the bigger perspective? One you will never attain with your nose pressed against the wood grain of the door? It’s like that.

I’m being dramatic here, I know. But trust me, this is coming from direct experience and so I am picking on myself FIRST. The truth is, once I surrendered to the positive influences that are my teachers a great many more doors opened to me. And all of a sudden I had new material to play with, to try on for size. New stories to tell, new ways of thinking about sequencing, and multi-level instruction, and marketing. I had new input that highlighted for me my particular soul powers - powers I couldn’t see on my own. I had a new student base that gathered around my teachers, and I had all their feedback to inform me. Everything, in those years of direct apprenticeship was about throwing a soul piece of me out there, and waiting to see how, and in what way, it came back. Humbling myself enough to listen to those who influenced me. To feel the texture of THEIR words come out of my mouth. What fits? What doesn’t? How does that make me FEEL? Is this really ALIVE for me? All questions I would be asking myself. Taste testing. Experimenting. Searching through fields of inspiration and suggestion. And low and behold, when the time was ripe, and not a moment before, I found the ME I was searching for in all the voices and ways of the THEM.

And guess who was right there with me celebrating my discovery of all the gifts they already knew I possessed? My teachers.

A mentor of mine once said to me, the best teachers are eternal students. After nine years of intentionally saddling up to leaders I admire, I am convinced this way of leading - the open door way, where I filter in soul food from the field around me, only to process it through my lens and send it back out, creates a healthy teaching ecology, and I will never stop this practice. I will never close that door again.

I’m sure by now there are a million thoughts floating around in your brain. Some in agreement, some confusion, some ready to argue with me. I always love a good debate. But before we get into it, there is one more piece that I have learned through my own experiences as an apprentice, that is completely paramount to a healthy apprentice/mentor relationship and COMPLETELY CONTRARY to the way MOST teacher training programs are run today - in ANY and every industry.

I believe that to be a master teacher, the most important piece you can apprentice to is your DIRECT and ALIVE experience in any moment, and to source from that place unapologetically and without fail. 

It’s rather hard to do this when you have someone telling you exactly how a trick should be taught and a class laid out, and a theme spoken and, and, and... Certification often seems to hinge on regurgitation rather than the preparation of your vessel for authentic voicing. No wonder it’s hard to make it as a movement guide. We’re all taught to wear clothes that don’t fit.

Human beings are intuitive. Many of us don’t believe ourselves to be, but we are immensely sensitive. We learn best when our teachers TRANSMIT lived experience through their movements and their voice. 

I struggled with this in a very personal way. Having gone through over 1500 hours of yoga teacher trainings in a variety of schools of yoga, I always left the certification unfinished precisely because it was expected of me to demonstrate that I learned it THAT way and could teach it in THOSE words...when in the intelligence of my body, in the depths of my own experience I felt a different way. Perhaps a small tweak on the instruction, or order of things. Perhaps a desire to blend a few different schools based on what was coming alive for me in my own practice. And so, very early on, I decided to approach each training as a testing ground and the participation became less and less about certification, and more and more about inspiration.

I know many of you are with me on this. I also know that as creative beings we tend to do this anyway, whether or not a certification is persued and granted. We can’t help ourselves! I’m also called to say that there are reasons why certification is completely valuable. The point is not to knock it, it’s to speak to something not often spoken to.

August 28, 2014

6 Essentials of a Non-Toxic Home Environment

I had a health scare a few years ago.  In a nutshell?  My liver basically stopped working.  So everything else in my body started to shut down as well. I couldn’t eat.  I couldn’t function.

The funny thing was, I thought I was super healthy.  I had been dairy free almost my entire life.  Gluten-free for at least 7.  I had weaned myself off sugar.  I practiced yoga daily.  So what gave?  I was doing all the right things.  Or so I thought.

What I had neglected to think about was the products I was using in my home.  Some of them were still toxic and I didn’t even realize it.

So, I went on a mission to go from “super healthy” to “UBER healthy”.  I was going all in at this poker table.

I decided I wanted every aspect of my home life to reflect my new core values.

I’ll admit, training my family was like training a pack of dogs.  And from time to time my husband would try to sneak that bottle of Windex into our home or the junk food he knew I’d never eat.  But I did the best I could to make my house the healthiest home environment I could.

When I decided to make the switch and make my home environment less toxic, there were 6 major essentials I had to tackle.  I’m going to share them with you.  :-)


1). Switch Out Your Toxic Cleaning Products for Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

I began with changing all my toxic products out for non-toxic cleaning products. Instead of using Tide, Windex, Clorox, and Ajax, I switched all of my products over to Seventh Generation. You can use whatever organic non-toxic product that speaks to you. I chose Seventh Generation, because I like the scents and I feel that the products work effectively (not all non-toxic products are created equal).

2). Maintain Your House

Like all things in life, it is easier if you keep up with things rather than letting things go or allowing messes, laundry, dishes, and disorganization to take over your life. It takes minutes, about 20 to sweep through your whole house to keep it maintained. It is so easy to be lazy and to not deal, listen all of us don’t want to deal from time to time, but on a daily basis, if you go through your house with the intent of maintaining it and keeping up with what needs to be done it will make your life a whole heck of a lot easier than letting everything pile up and become overwhelming. The cleaner the environment can make the difference in the world between how you feel emotionally and what you are able to get done, then letting things go and get crazy. A clean house also keeps you healthier, germs are cleaned up and you are less likely to get sick.

3). Use Non-Toxic Hand Soaps and Skin Care

You might not think of it, but all hand soaps, bar soaps, face wash, body wash, and everything you put on your body matters. If you are going to make the jump to live a non-toxic lifestyle you have to change everything, meaning it doesn’t stop at what you wash your clothes and dishes with, it goes all the way to what you put on your body and in your body too. I changed out all of my hand soaps to Pangea Organics foaming pumps. First and foremost, foaming soap is less messy and better all around as a hand soap option as a opposed to liquid soap. I use doTERRA On Guard to wash my dishes. On Guard has been proven to kill bacteria and viruses and so why not wash your dishes with germ fighting soap that is organic, all-natural and armed with the power of essential oils. In addition to changing out the basics, I went in and overhauled my skincare line. I now use a combination of doTERRA anti-aging creams and wash and Pangea Organics both in the shower and on my skin. I absolutely cannot live without Pangea face oil. It saves my skin from the dryness and heat of this desert I find myself living in.

4). Get Rid of Plastic and Switch to Glass

Glass is better than plastic, period. For leftovers, water bottles, kid containers and pantry items. In my pantry I put most of my packaged good into Ball Jars and the same goes for leftovers in my fridge. When I need a water bottle for my fresh squeezed juices or water or smoothies I put them in glass. Plastic leaks and unless it is BPA free is will leaks chemicals you don’t want in your water or food.

5). Eat Organic Foods

Even on a budget, eating organic foods costs less than the price of illness or cancer. It doesn’t take much to make the shift. Organic means safe. It means standards, so whenever you can buy local organic produce and fruits. Try to eat very little packaged and processed foods and try to eat a lot more natural food than processed foods. If you are going to join the non-toxic movement you have to think or your body as your house. Create a non-toxic environment for both your outer life and inner life and let the two mirror each other in harmony.

6). Switch to Holistic Medicine

Wipe out those over the counter drugs, or at the very least let them be a last resort. Arm yourself with the power of essential oils. Essential oils have been proven to be more effective and better natural medicine from anything to moods, illness, pain, aches, ailments, ointments, remedies than over the counter drugs created in chemical labs. Before you reach for chemical laden drugs, try treating holistically. Holistic medicine doesn’t have the side effects chemical drugs often do.

I have given you six powerful tools to create a non-toxic home environment. What would it take for you to make the switch? What holds you back? I would love to hear your thoughts, please them in the box below.

If you found this article useful, please share it with friends. Post it on FB, Pinterest, or Tweet it.

XO, Hayley

P.S. If you are interested in the power of essential oils and you want to make the switch, you know I only use the best, so click HERE

August 23, 2014

The Rebel-a mini manifesto on my birthday

by Ombassador and Spirit Warrior Jill Emich

I am a rebel. I am a master of my destiny. I live my truth. I choose. I choose not to dwell in any shame but instead celebrate. I choose not to focus on my weakness but transform them in to strengths.

I turn 40 this month and lets just say, some parts of my life I adore and some I may have a different opinion about. I am a single woman. I have no children of my own. But I love my work and I live passionately and from the heart. I am so proud of what I do bring in to this life and the gifts I have to offer. I am not going to say I do not have longings, because I do. I am not going to say that I didn’t wish I had a beautiful authentic connected partner in my life, because I do. But I can also celebrate the reality without having it have to match my plan of what others or I think it should be because as it turns out HERE I AM.

This longing is nothing more then me wanting to experience my own divine nature. It is only calling me into my best light.

I know this and I celebrate this.

So I am a rebel. I respect my individuality. It is neither less then nor greater then because we are all so unique that it is impossible to compare. A rebel does not mean I act out, it is more my essence-MY WAY. It is my way of respecting myself as an individual with my very own blueprint and very own path. I respect my own freedom and the freedom of others. I believe what life has in store for me is just for me and will lead to my own personal life transformation and experience. As is for you.

I live from a place of balance, acceptance, freedom, joy, and abundance of what IS.
I love my work. Shine is a place for all of us to congregate, celebrate, transform and heal together as individuals and in community. It is a blessing and a gift on so many levels.
I feel blessed to a triplet and having a deep soul connection to my two sisters and their beautiful families.
I have loving and supportive parents.

I have a brother who is mentally and physically “challenged” and he teaches me patience and unconditional love and acceptance every single day. And that is his path.
I am love. I am light. I radiate love and joy. I experience magic all around me every day.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.  

Love After Love

The time will come

When, with elation,

You will greet yourself arriving

At your own door, in your own mirror,

And each will smile at the other’s welcome.


And say, sit here. Eat.

You will love again the stranger who was your self.

Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart

To itself, to the stranger who has loved you


All your life, whom you ignored

For another, who knows you by heart.

Take down the love letters from the bookshelf.


The photographs, the desperate notes,

Peel your image from the mirror.

-Derek Walcott

August 21, 2014

The #2 Common Mistake Teachers Make: Logic without Love.

This is the second of a three part series from our fabulous OMbassador, Shakti Sunfire, who teaches yoga and hooping around the world. Many of our followers are teachers of dance, yoga and other movement arts. We hope you enjoy this 2nd part. Shakti wrote this just for you, as a few tips on what to avoid when teaching.

Logic Without Love

“Gather around the fire. I am going to tell you story.”

In 2008, Jeremy Hsu wrote an article for Scientific American entitled The Secrets of Storytelling: Why We Love a Good Yarn. In it, he examined the work of psychologists and neuroscientists who are studying the human penchant for storytelling. What they are discovering is fascinating, but it boils down to this: People are wired to enjoy stories.*

What does that have to do with masterful teaching? A few things, but the short of it boils down to the ability (or lack of ability) a teacher has to weave and curate a powerful and impactful learning  environment. One that gives the student the greatest possible inroad to lasting insight and embodied knowledge. This, of course, happens in many ways - through skillful curriculum development, logical instruction and sequencing, environmental considerations such as natural light, space, and choice of music, and through the teacher’s ability to step into the seat of the teacher and hold the space for his/her students... but there is one area that is often overlooked, and in my experience quite possibly THE most important place to refine a skill set for teachers new and old : THEMING.

Theming - when done well,provides a greater CONTEXT for your students that extends beyond the confines of the classroom. Skillful theming PROVIDES MEANING that keeps your students coming back for more, and opens each individual to a variety of other innate “intelligences”, such as emotional and imaginal intelligence, that allows him/her to embody new information faster and with greater ease.

I remember when I first stepped foot inside a yoga class. The candles were lit, soft music playing, the atmosphere seemed to sparkle a little...at the very least was welcoming. I took my seat and for the next 90 minutes was guided into an experience in my body that all about my body and so much more than my body. The use of imagery was so impactful that I signed up then and there for a monthly plan. That was 14 years ago...and I haven’t stopped practicing.

I believe it to be no small coincidence that there are now over 8 million people practicing yoga in United States alone.


Human beings have evolved to respond deeply to story, metaphor and myth. Not long ago, we, as a species, passed on all useful information from one generation to another in story. In fact, the part of the brain that is our true decision maker has been found to NOT be the cerebral cortex or cognitive mind, but in fact the paleomammalian part of the brain that has, evolutionarily speaking, been with us longer. That part of the brain is our emotional intelligence. Emotions, not facts, ultimately determine our decisions.

Story, metaphor, myth and colorful imagery skip the rational layer of the brain, and move RIGHT into the long-lasting, deeply-affected paleomammalian brain where change can happen. It is here that we have deep memory. Therefore the use of this type of teaching is not only poetic and beautiful, but absolutely crucial to create the kind of experience we’re going for as empowered leaders and teachers.

  • A 2007 study … found that a test audience responded more positively to advertisements in narrative form as compared with straightforward ads that encouraged viewers to think about the arguments for a product. Similarly … labeling information as “fact” increased critical analysis, whereas labeling information as “fiction” had the opposite effect. Studies such as these suggest people accept ideas more readily when their minds are in story mode as opposed to when they are in an analytical mind-set.*

What theming is NOT is arbitrary and random esoteric information that you get off on, but that has noting to do with the audience at hand. Skillful theming requires student-centric thinking.

Which leads us to the HOW of it.

There are many many ways to develop the ability to skillfully theme in your classes. Always, the underlying foundation is to source from your own lively and vibrant experience...picking out universalities that all can relate to. Books, articles, movies and more can be valuable sources, but unless the theme has been lived and embodied by YOU, the storyteller, it will not land for your students.

Here are a few words on theming from the One Hoop One Love Teacher Training and Mentorship manual :


As One Hoop One Love leaders, our invocation is for wonder to return to us in our lives. To begin to see with the minds eye, means we need to return to unknowingness and to possibility. Can we begin to feel spaciousness where there was previously only compression? Can we begin to invoke a perspective in our lives that allows for the world to speak to us in symbol, serendipity, metaphor and myth? It is up to us to empower intuitive interpretation of the things we see, feel, and hear. Imagination and imagery opens the doorway to wild creativity, and that, serves the world.

A good theme can be wrapped, packaged and presented in no more than the first 5 minutes of class, then touched on at various times through MOVEMENT.

The best themes are drawn from your own present life experience, filtered back through the eyes and ears of your students.

To compose a theme, KNOW your audience. What is their life like outside of class? How can you touch them emotionally? In what ways can you imagine yourself to be in their shoes?

In this day and age we spend much of our time in the cognitive brain, weighing out comparative analysis of...well...everything. Myth and metaphor are also so important at this time because they cut out perceived differences and beliefs and move right into the heart. Myths are not untruths. In fact, they are the closest thing we can get to truth. They are universalities, that transcend space and time. They give meaning and flavor, and great purpose. To live our lives mytho-poetically is to set into motion a kind of limitless creativity that sees no coincidence and empowers radical self-acceptance as a crucial part of the whole - as the whole itself.

August 18, 2014

"We must assume our existence as broadly as we in any way can..."

Whether you are a coach, a parent, a friend, or a politician....from the Buddhist perspective we are all here to improve the human condition. While we may be able to influence each other, we ultimately have free will and our destiny lies in our own hands. Therefore, to best improve the human condition we have two primary goals that we can set out to achieve in this lifetime. First, improve oneself. Take your life in to your own hands and carve your own destiny. Strive to be the best you can be and to make the most out of this precious human life. Second, encourage others to do the same. Whether its through encouragement, education, positivity, or simply living by example. Strive not to do FOR others, but to encourage them to do for themselves. Here is an old quote by the famous Rilke,...the same concepts have been circling through human consciousness for a long time. Its time for us to live them more fully.

“We must assume our existence as broadly as we in any way can; everything, even the unheard-of, must be possible in it. That is at the bottom the only courage that is demanded of us: to have courage for the most strange, the most singular and the most inexplicable that we may encounter.

“That mankind has in this sense been cowardly has done life endless harm; the experiences that are called ‘visions,’ the whole so called ‘spirit-world,’ death, all those things that are so closely akin to us, have by daily parring been so crowded out of life that the senses with which we could have grasped them are atrophied.”

“Fear of the inexplicable has not alone impoverished the existence of the individual; the relationship between one human being and another has also been cramped by it, as though it had been lifted out of the riverbed of endless possibilities and set down in a fallow spot on the bank, to which nothing happens.”

“For it is not inertia alone that is responsible for human relationships repeating themselves from case to case, indescribably monotonous and unrenewed; it is shyness before any sort of new, unforseenable experience with which one does not think oneself able to cope.”

“But only someone who is ready for everything, who excludes nothing, not even the most enigmatical, will live the relation to another as something alive and will himself draw exhaustively from his own existence.”

“For if we think of this existence of the individual as a larger or smaller room, it appears evident that most people learn to know only a corner of their room, a place by the window, a strip of floor on which they walk up and down. Thus they have certain security.  And yet that dangerous insecurity is so much more human…”

“We have no reason to mistrust our world, for it is not against us. Has it terrors, they are our terrors; has it abysses, those abysses belong to us; are dangers at hand, we must try to love them.”

“And if only we arrange our life according to that principle which counsels us that we must always hold to the difficult, then that which now seems to us the most alien will become what we most trust and find most faithful.”

“How should we be able to forget those ancient myths that are at the beginning of all peoples, the myths about dragons that at the last moment turn into princesses; perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are waiting to us us once beautiful and brave. Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us.”

~Rainer Maria Rilke

August 14, 2014